Existential Questions

It is well, if writing about existentialism, to declare ones faith, and Dr Linda Labin tells us that she holds Christian beliefs. From her article it is clear that she is as much a leader as a follower in this regard. And she also manages to write the article without saying anything with which I, as an atheist, can take issue. It contributes to my understanding of the people with whom I appear to be sharing this world, and I recommend it whole-heartedly.

Pockets of Chaos

Cloud Moon

Ruminating about life and its meaning (if any). The age-old existential questions: Who am I? Why am I here? Is meaning external, or internal? Does meaning truly exist, or do we create meaning out of the chaos? I love a good mystery, but it’s the not knowing that gnaws at me when I cannot sleep. Gnaws at me so that I cannot sleep. The yawning abyss, whether it be good or evil, awaits me, even in dreams. I do not fear death, for I have faced it several times and stuck my tongue out derisively. But I do fear the unknown, unknowing, unknowable.

Even my Christian belief does not free me. Sometimes, I wonder if belief of any sort is a panacea for our fear, nice stories to lull us to sleep, keep us docile and manageable. That last suggests a being or beings with intention and a need to…

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