
IMG_0145Hi.  I’m Dave Weston. I forsook science, journalism and the circus to become a software developer, blogger, fading tennis player and improving curmudgeon. No regrets, but I sometimes miss my unicycle.

Before this blog I’d never written for people who weren’t contractually obliged to read my words.  Design specs, data migration plans and screen designs – these were my deliverables – and any attempt to insert humour or entertainment into them was frowned upon by management.

The crafting of words is a task that helps me to craft my ideas and understand what’s wrong about some of the things that trouble me.  That’s probably one of the main reasons I write.  I sent some of my writings out by email and on Facebook. and then due to public demand (actually, just one person) started my own blog.

I hope you enjoy these articles, and encourage you to comment and share – since good dialogue not only informs us all; but helps me seem less of an idiot to friends.

A bit more about me

I live and work in London.  My nine-year old son lives with his mother but also spends a goodly amount of time with me, too.  I may have had a rotten day, but I seem to be able to remind myself of something he has said and done, and lo-and-behold, there’s a smile on my face. Sometimes he asks me to tell him something about science or maths; and I love doing this – as I love him.  I now understand what Victor Hugo meant when he said, “To love another person is to see the face of God”, even though I am an atheist.

I may mention him in other posts and pages, but I will avoid waxing lyrical about my son on any page or post other than this one. This is my promise to you.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. I think anyone who works outside their home tends to work in a circus. But then I worked from home today due to inclement weather – and the circus continues to follow me as I do my work for the day.

    Perhaps you need to imagine you are riding a unicycle as you maneuver from each issue “ring” to the next.

    My office has cubicles that are set up like a ratmaze….I often think I’m an airplane tilting my wings to and fro around the walls.

    Without entertainment – we’d all go mad.

  2. Pingback: Blogging 101: Make Your “About” Page Irresistible | This Troubles Me

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